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Discover the Art of Handcrafted Sodas: Explore Unique Craft Sodas with Chicago Rootbeer

Handcrafted drinks are a class apart. They aren’t for everybody. They are for those who love to explore newer flavors and wish to go beyond the commercially-produced beverages. Chicago rootbeer is a brand for soda connoisseurs, who are on the lookout for exciting new tastes and something away from the usual.

Why craft sodas?

One of the things about crafted beverages is that they are prepared in limited batches by artisans who are passionate about creating the perfect brew. The craft sodas carry the legacy of the place where they are brewed. Each drink reflects the lifestyle and the culture of the place. This is because the artisans put in manual efforts to craft the flavors. They carefully hand pick ingredients and use their age-old unique formulations to give you outstanding flavors.

Ingredients of Chicago rootbeer crafted soda

The beauty of crafted sodas is that they are made from the finest ingredients from nature. No artificial sweeteners are used. The artisans bring the sweetness to the drinks by using pure cane sugar. No caffeine is used either. That’s the reason Chicago rootbeer craft soda is suited to all ages, including teenagers and kids.

The handpicked ingredients are brewed to perfection to create unique flavors and textures that promise to woo your taste buds.

That’s what makes hand crafted sodas different from the commercially-prepared beverages. As you take a sip of the crafted drink, you are enveloped with a nice freshness that gently hits all your senses and gives you a beautiful experience.

Tasting Chicago

Get a real taste of Chicago through Chicago Rootbeer craft soda. It symbolizes the lifestyle and heritage of this windy city. Whether you are from the South side, the North side, or anywhere between or beyond, you can experience Chicago by placing an order online.

Yes, Chicago rootbeer is easily available online in bottled version. This has happened due to the burgeoning demand of this amazing crafted soda. Earlier, it was available only to the local crowd during particular occasions. Now, you can avail yourselves this excellent rootbeer through wholesalers and retailers and at the manufacturer’s website. The soda is available in half kegs, quarter kegs, and in bottles. 

So, what are you waiting for?

Taste the handcraft drink and get to know the real Chicago. We bet you would fall in love with handcrafted sodas! The rich, frothy, creamy drink is here.

Time for a caffeine-free, alcohol-free toast.